Podrobnosti návrhu

Číslo:46C/1296/CDV - IEC 61156-14 ED1
Komise:IEC/SC 46C
Název komise:Wires and symmetric cables
Návrh uveřejněn:17.10.2024
K připomínkám do:10.12.2024
Contact email:aslana(at)agentura-cas.cz

This part of IEC 61156 describes cables for work area wiring intended to be used for transmission of 10 Mb/s over a single twisted pair in channels for distances of up to 1 km. The transmission characteristics of these cables are specified up to a frequency of 20 MHz and at a temperature of 20 °C. Depending on the MICE environment and the installation conditions, either unscreened or screened cables can be used. Furthermore, to consider different maximum transmission lengths, two sets of requirements are specified. The cable type A-1000W does not have attenuation de-rating compared to the A-1000 type according to IEC 61156-13 and is a design supporting up to 1 km channel length. The cable type A-400W has attenuation de-rating compared to the A-400 type according to IEC 61156-13. A blank detail specification can be found in Annex A.

The cables covered by this document are intended to operate with voltages and currents normally encountered in communication systems. While these cables are not intended to be used in conjunction with low impedance sources, for example the electric power supplies of public utility mains, they are intended to be used to support the delivery of DC low voltage remote powering applications.

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Prosíme, nepoužívejte vulgární výrazy a nevyužívejte tento prostor pro umisťování reklamy.