- + Hlavní oblasti
- +Stavebnictví (3)
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- Stavební konstrukce (0)
- Beton (1)
- Cement (0)
- Požární zkoušky (1)
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- Tepelná ochrana a energetická náročnost (0)
- Dřevěné konstrukce (0)
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- Zděné konstrukce (0)
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- Sanitární zařízení (0)
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- Osvětlování a osvětlovací konstrukční prvky (0)
- Dočasné konstrukce a lešení (0)
- Keramické obkladové prvky (0)
- Odvodňovací zařízení (0)
- Koupací vany (0)
- Tapety (0)
- Centrální zásobování teplem (0)
- Pomocné a řemeslné práce (0)
- Zařízení pro zásobování plynem a rozvod plynu (0)
- Výstavba a údržba pozemních komunikací (1)
- Hydroizolační materiály (0)
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- Otopné soustavy pro budovy (0)
- Výrobky z prefabrikovaného betonu (0)
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- Stavebnictví - Environmentální aspekty (0)
- Nezařazeno (0)
This document describes a test method for measuring the temperature of asphalt mixtures after mixing and during storage, transportation and laying. This document includes the contact temperature-measuring device and the non-contact temperature-measuring device (infrared-thermometer). In cases of dispute, the refence method shall be using the contact temperature measuring device.
This document specifies a method for determining the fire resistance of parts of curtain walling and of the perimeter seal. It examines the fire resistance to internal and external fire exposure of:
— the spandrel panel, i.e. downstand, upstand or a combination thereof;
— the perimeter seal;
— the fixing of the framing system (anchoring) used to attach the curtain walling to the floor element;
— combinations thereof.
NOTE 1 This document does not test fire spread that can be caused through cavities in the test specimen, i.e. inside of the mullions (see note to
Results from tests according to this document form the basis for classification of curtain walling type A (see 3.3 for definition).
For curtain walling type B (see 3.4 for definition) results can be used to determine fire resistance of parts of a curtain walling to increase the field of application when previously tested to EN 1364‑3. For intended classification EW and for corner/faceted specimens EN 1364‑3 can be used.
This document does not cover double skin façades, over-cladding systems and ventilated façade systems on external walls. It does not deal with the reaction to fire behaviour of curtain walling.
This document is intended to be read in conjunction with EN 1363‑1 and EN 1363‑2 as well as EN 1364‑3 for curtain walling type B.
As per the type of curtain walling covered by this document, these are the ones included in EN 13119.
NOTE 2 Annex A gives informative guidance on the principles of testing parts of curtain walling and the test method.
NOTE 3 When tests are made to examine single elements (e.g. perimeter seal), those elements are to be installed as part of a curtain walling system.
This document is applicable to ground limestone intended to be used as concrete addition, and for use in mortar and grouts.
The document specifies requirements for the chemical and physical properties as well as quality control procedures for ground limestone, for use as an addition for production of concrete conforming to EN 206.
This document does not specify provisions for the practical application of ground limestone in the production of concrete.