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- +Obecné elektrotechnické normy (6)
- +Elektrotechnické inženýrství (13)
- +Elektrotechnika (5)
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This document specifies a procedure for obtaining a migration water to determine odour, flavour, colour and turbidity for products made from organic materials intended to come in contact with water for human consumption (drinking water) and used in piping and storage systems. Such products include pipes, tanks, reservoirs, fittings, ancillaries and their coatings both for site applied and factory-made products.
This document is applicable to products to be used under various conditions for the transport, storage and distribution of water intended for human consumption and raw water used for the manufacture of water intended for human consumption.
This document specifies a test method comprising a set of procedures. The use might be dependent on the relevant national regulations and/or the system or product standards.
This document defines requirements and test methods for free standing and floor fixed steel upright protector and free standing and floor fixed steel frame barriers for pallet racking.
Frame barriers and upright protectors, according to this document, are not connected to the rack. Frame barriers and upright protectors connected to the racking are excluded from this document.
This document does not apply to:
Devices for traffic- or driveways
— guide rails and guide-ins;
— safety and buffering backstops;
— handrails and stair rails;
— protection from falls at height;
— pick and deposit (P and D) stations;
— protection requirements for dynamic storage; including mobiles;
— protection requirements for crane racking;
— sacrificial legs.
This document specifies the minimum requirements for inspection at time of filling of battery-vehicles and multiple-element gas containers (MEGCs) for compressed and liquefied gases.
The elements of battery vehicles and MEGCs covered by this document are:
— seamless steel or seamless aluminium alloy cylinders or tubes, and
— composite cylinders or tubes (hoop-wrapped or fully-wrapped)
with a water capacity up to 3000 l.
This document is not applicable to MEGCs using tanks as elements.
This document is not applicable to the automotive components of a battery trailer.
Unless noted by exception the use of the word “cylinders” in this document refers to both cylinders and tubes.
NOTE Acetylene battery-vehicles are covered by EN 13720.
This document applies to lifebuoys used on watercraft in sea and inland navigation, on floating bodies, floating equipment, marine equipment and shore equipment in the vicinity of bodies of water.
The document specifies the main dimensions, design, safety requirements and testing of lifebuoys.
This document defines rules for extended applications, provides guidance, and, where appropriate, defines procedures, for variations of certain parameters and factors associated with the design of internal and external non-loadbearing walls constructed of metal sandwich panels and that have been tested in accordance with EN 1364‑1, which could generate a classification in accordance with EN 13501‑2.
EN 15254‑5 applies for double skin metal faced sandwich panels having an insulating core bonded to both facings as defined in EN 14509 not stabilizing a whole building or parts of it.
This document specified the terms and definition, classification, service condition, characteristics and test methods for transformers and inductors on board rolling stock.
This document is applicable to traction and auxiliary power transformers installed on board rolling stock and to the various types of power inductors inserted in the traction and auxiliary circuits of rolling stock, of dry or liquid-immersed design.
This document is also applicable to the traction transformers of three-phase AC line-side powered vehicles and to the transformers inserted in the single-phase or poly-phase auxiliary circuits of vehicles, after agreement between purchaser and manufacturer.
This document does not apply to instrument transformers, transformers of a rated output below 1 kVA single-phase or 5 kVA poly-phase, and inductors of a rated output below 1 kVAR single-phase or 5 kVAR poly-phase on board rolling stock.
This document does not cover accessories such as tap changers, resistors, heat exchangers, fans, etc., intended for mounting on transformers or inductors, which are tested separately according to the relevant rules.
NOTE Items requiring agreement between the delivery parties and items of supplementary information and specification particulars to be provided by the ordering party or manufacturer are given in Annex A.
This International Standard specifies requirements for the selection, positioning, configuration and commissioning of sensitive protective equipment to detect the momentary or continued presence of persons in order to protect those persons from dangerous part(s) of machinery in industrial applications. This standard covers the application of electro-sensitive protective equipment (ESPE) specified in IEC 61496 (all parts) and pressure-sensitive mats and floors specified in ISO 13856-1.
It takes into account the characteristics of the machinery, the sensitive protective equipment, the environment and human interaction by persons of 14 years and older.
This document includes informative annexes to provide guidance on the application of sensitive protective equipment to detect the presence of persons. These annexes contain examples to illustrate the principles of this standard. These examples are not intended to be the only solutions to a given application and are not intended to restrict innovation or advancement of technology. The examples are provided only as representative solutions to illustrate some of the concepts of integration of sensitive protective equipment, and have been simplified for clarity, so they may be incomplete.
It is intended that this document is used in conjunction with ISO 13855.
The particular requirements as specified in this part of IEC 60364 applies to electrical installations of mobile units or transportable units, hereby referred to as units.
The requirements of this part are not applicable to:
generating sets,
pleasure crafts;
caravans and motor caravans;
electrical circuits and equipment for automotive purposes;
This part of IEC 60794 applies to optical fibre cables for use with telecommunication equipment and devices employing similar techniques, and to cables having a combination of both optical fibres and electrical conductors.
The document defines test procedures used in establishing uniform requirements for mechanical performance-straight midspan access to optical elements.
Throughout this document, the wording "optical cable" also includes optical fibre units, microduct fibre units, etc.
See IEC 60794-1-2 for a reference guide to test methods of all types and for general requirements and definitions.
This document specifies safety requirements for horticultural luminaires, incorporating electric light sources for operation from supply voltage up to 1000 V
This part of IEC 60384-14 is applicable to the drafting of detail specifications for fixed capacitors and resistor-capacitor combinations for which safety tests are required for use in electronic equipment.
This part of IEC 60384-14 is applicable to the drafting of detail specifications for fixed capacitors and resistor-capacitor combinations for which safety tests are required for use in electronic equipment
This part of the IEC 60153 series of standards specifies straight hollow metallic tubing[1] of ordinary rectangular cross-section for use as waveguides in radio frequency electrical applications. The principal cross-section for such tubing is shown in Figure 1 together with its defining geometrical dimensions: a (inside width), b (inside height), r (inside corner radius), t (wall thickness), a1 (outside width), b1 (outside height), and r1 (outside corner radius).
Figure 1 – Cross-sectional view of ordinary rectangular waveguide tubing
The dimensions shown in Figure 1 are also defined elsewhere in this standard.
The term “ordinary rectangular waveguide” in the title of this standard refers to rectangular waveguides with a b-to-a ratio of 1:2 (or slightly less).
The objective of this standard is to specify for hollow metallic waveguides:
a) the details necessary to ensure compatibility and, as far as essential, interchangeability;
b) test methods;
c) uniform requirements for the electrical and mechanical properties.
No recommendations are made for the materials to be used for waveguides. The choice of materials is to be agreed between the customer and the manufacturer.
This standard shall be read in conjunction with IEC 60153-1, which gives general requirements and test methods.
[1] This standard serves to define tubular semi-finished products, which are characterised by the specification of both inside and outside dimensions. However, in the case of particularly large and particularly small waveguides, this standard only specifies inside dimensions. This is for production-related reasons.
This part of IEC 62047 describes generic specifications for micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) made by semiconductors, which are the basis for specifications given in other parts of this series for various types of MEMS applications such as sensors, RF MEMS, optical MEMS, bio-MEMS, micro TAS, and power MEMS. This standard specifies general procedures for quality assessment to be used in IECQ System(IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components) and establishes general principles for describing and testing of electrical, optical, mechanical and environmental characteristics.
This part of IEC 62047 aids in the preparation of standards that define devices and systems made by micromachining technology, including but not limited to, material characterization and handling, assembly and testing, process control and measuring methods. MEMS described in this standard are basically made of semiconductor material. However, the statements made in this standard are also applicable to MEMS using materials other than semiconductor, for example, polymers, glass, metals and ceramic materials
This document specifies classification rules for soft ferrite materials used in inductive components (inductors and transformers) fulfilling the requirements of the electronic industries.
This standard addresses the following issues for ferrite suppliers and users:
cross-reference between materials from multiple suppliers;
assistance to users in understanding the published technical data in catalogues when comparing multiple supplers;
guidance to users in selecting the most applicable material for each application;
setting of nomenclature for IEC standards relating to ferrite;
establishing uniform benchmarks for manufacturers for performance in new development of materials.
The numerical values given in this standard are typical values of the parameters (properties) of the related materials. Direct translation from the material specification into the core specification is not always easy or possible.
Every detailed material and core specification should be agreed upon between suppliers and users.
This standard specifies interface content exchanged between manufacturing control functions and other enterprise functions as interrelated information models. The information models are represented as an interrelated collection of conceptual object models which can be used for the implementation of applications with logical data and physical data models. The data exchanges in interfaces are scoped as between Level 3 manufacturing operations and Level 4 business systems in the hierarchical model defined in IEC 62264-1. The standard’s goal is to reduce the risk, cost, and errors associated with implementing the interfaces.
Since this standard’s scope covers many manufacturing operations and enterprise domains and there are many different standards for those domains, the semantics of this data exchange standard are described at a conceptual level intended to enable the other standards to be mapped to these semantics. To this end, this standard defines a set of elements contained in the generic interface, together with a mechanism for extending the interface content for implementations.
The scope is limited to the definition of object models and attributes of the exchanged information defined in the IEC 62264-1 standard.
This part of IEC 60721 classifies the groups of environmental parameters and their severities to which products are subject to during portable and non-stationary use. This includes periods of transfer, down time, maintenance and repair.
The environmental conditions encompassed by these groups include the environmental conditions occurring:
at locations where the product may be placed or used temporarily and
during the transfer of products between different locations.
The conditions of portable and non-stationary use to which products may be exposed include land-based and offshore, weatherprotected, and non-weatherprotected locations. The conditions also include those occurring during transfer between locations.
The environmental conditions specified in this document are applicable to products which are frequently moved from place to place, particularly when the transfer time may be a significant proportion of the product’s lifetime. During such transfer the product is unlikely to have any special packaging.
The environmental conditions specified in this document do not consider the use profile of the product i.e., whether the product is used only during a temporary stationary state, during the state of transfer or arbitrary.
Accidental incidents such as fire, explosion and other unforeseen incidents are not included. However, their occurrence may need to be considered in special cases.
Micro-climates occurring within a product are not included.
Classification of for stationary use, storage and transportation environmental conditions are given in other subparts of the IEC 60721-3 series.
This part of IEC 60721 classifies the groups of environmental parameters and their severities to which products are subject to during portable and non-stationary use. This includes periods of transfer, down time, maintenance and repair.
The environmental conditions encompassed by these groups include the environmental conditions occurring:
at locations where the product may be placed or used temporarily and
during the transfer of products between different locations.
The conditions of portable and non-stationary use to which products may be exposed include land-based and offshore, weatherprotected, and non-weatherprotected locations. The conditions also include those occurring during transfer between locations.
The environmental conditions specified in this document are applicable to products which are frequently moved from place to place, particularly when the transfer time may be a significant proportion of the product’s lifetime. During such transfer the product is unlikely to have any special packaging.
The environmental conditions specified in this document do not consider the use profile of the product i.e., whether the product is used only during a temporary stationary state, during the state of transfer or arbitrary.
Accidental incidents such as fire, explosion and other unforeseen incidents are not included. However, their occurrence may need to be considered in special cases.
Micro-climates occurring within a product are not included.
Classification of for stationary use, storage and transportation environmental conditions are given in other subparts of the IEC 60721-3 series.
This document defines rules for extended applications, provides guidance, and, where appropriate, specifies procedures, for variations of certain parameters and factors associated with the design of internal non-loadbearing ceilings constructed of metal faced sandwich panels that have been tested in accordance with EN 1364‑2, which could generate a classification in accordance with EN 13501‑2.
This document applies to,double skin metal faced sandwich panels, which have an insulating core bonded to both facings as defined in EN 14509 not stabilizing a whole building or parts of it.