- + Hlavní oblasti
- +Elektrotechnika (5)
- Točivé elektrické stroje (0)
- Turbíny: Vodní, parní, větrné a energie moře (0)
- Elektrická trakční zařízení (1)
- Venkovní elektrická vedení (0)
- Výkonové transformátory (0)
- Vysokonapěťové spínací a řídicí zařízení (0)
- Elektrická instalace na plavidlech (0)
- Elektrické kabely (0)
- Akumulátorové baterie (0)
- Výkonová elektronika (0)
- Elektrická příslušenství (0)
- Elektroohřev (0)
- Prostředí s nebezpečím výbuchu. Prevence a ochrana proti výbuchu (0)
- Pojistky (0)
- Silové kondenzátory (0)
- Světelné zdroje a svítidla (1)
- Primární baterie (0)
- Izolátory (0)
- Svodiče přepětí (0)
- Elektrická relé (0)
- Elektrická zařízení strojů (1)
- Vodiče pro vinutí (0)
- Dálkově řízené systémy (0)
- Funkce spotřebičů pro domácnost (0)
- Elektrické spotřebiče pro domácnost a elektromechanické nářadí (0)
- Elektrická zařízení (instalace) v budovách (1)
- Elektrická vozidla (1)
- Elektrické instalace pro venkovní lokality (0)
- Práce pod napětím (0)
- Ochrana před bleskem (0)
- Nízkonapěťové výkonové transformátory (0)
- Spínací a řídicí přístroje nízkého napětí (0)
- Nízkonapěťové pojistky (0)
- Systémové inženýrství a výstavba elektrických instalací (0)
- Elektrické instalace pro osvětlení a návěští na letištích (0)
- Technologie palivových článků (0)
- Bezpečnost zařízení pro elektrostatické stříkání a povrchovou úpravu (0)
- Technologie přenosu vysokým stejnosměrným napětím (HVDC) (0)
This document specified the terms and definition, classification, service condition, characteristics and test methods for transformers and inductors on board rolling stock.
This document is applicable to traction and auxiliary power transformers installed on board rolling stock and to the various types of power inductors inserted in the traction and auxiliary circuits of rolling stock, of dry or liquid-immersed design.
This document is also applicable to the traction transformers of three-phase AC line-side powered vehicles and to the transformers inserted in the single-phase or poly-phase auxiliary circuits of vehicles, after agreement between purchaser and manufacturer.
This document does not apply to instrument transformers, transformers of a rated output below 1 kVA single-phase or 5 kVA poly-phase, and inductors of a rated output below 1 kVAR single-phase or 5 kVAR poly-phase on board rolling stock.
This document does not cover accessories such as tap changers, resistors, heat exchangers, fans, etc., intended for mounting on transformers or inductors, which are tested separately according to the relevant rules.
NOTE Items requiring agreement between the delivery parties and items of supplementary information and specification particulars to be provided by the ordering party or manufacturer are given in Annex A.
This International Standard specifies requirements for the selection, positioning, configuration and commissioning of sensitive protective equipment to detect the momentary or continued presence of persons in order to protect those persons from dangerous part(s) of machinery in industrial applications. This standard covers the application of electro-sensitive protective equipment (ESPE) specified in IEC 61496 (all parts) and pressure-sensitive mats and floors specified in ISO 13856-1.
It takes into account the characteristics of the machinery, the sensitive protective equipment, the environment and human interaction by persons of 14 years and older.
This document includes informative annexes to provide guidance on the application of sensitive protective equipment to detect the presence of persons. These annexes contain examples to illustrate the principles of this standard. These examples are not intended to be the only solutions to a given application and are not intended to restrict innovation or advancement of technology. The examples are provided only as representative solutions to illustrate some of the concepts of integration of sensitive protective equipment, and have been simplified for clarity, so they may be incomplete.
It is intended that this document is used in conjunction with ISO 13855.
The particular requirements as specified in this part of IEC 60364 applies to electrical installations of mobile units or transportable units, hereby referred to as units.
The requirements of this part are not applicable to:
generating sets,
pleasure crafts;
caravans and motor caravans;
electrical circuits and equipment for automotive purposes;
This document specifies safety requirements for horticultural luminaires, incorporating electric light sources for operation from supply voltage up to 1000 V
NOTE 1 A rated maximum voltage of the EV supply equipment at side B of 1 500 V DC is under consideration.
This document specifies the EV supply equipment of Megawatt Charging System (MCS) equipped with a coupler according to IEC TS 63379. Systems different to system MCS using a coupler specified in IEC TS 63379 are under consideration.
Requirements for bidirectional power flow systems are under consideration.
This document does not cover all safety aspects related to maintenance.
Requirements for systems not providing protective separation between side A (supply network side) and side B (EV side) are under consideration.
The requirements for digital communication between the EV supply equipment and the EV for control of energy transfer are defined in ISO 15118-10[1] and ISO 15118-20.
The specific requirements for EV supply equipment with multiple side Bs (EV sides) are provided in Annex FF.
General information of communication and the energy transfer process is described in Annex GG.
General information on the touch current and touch impulse current is provided in Annex HH.
EV supply equipment in compliance with this document is not intended to provide energy transfer to a single EV using:
multiple vehicle connectors of the same EV supply equipment; or
multiple EV supply equipments.
Requirements for such use case are not specified in this document, but are under consideration.
NOTE 2 The safety requirements of vehicle during charging are specified in ISO 5474 series.
NOTE 3 Requirements for an optional automated connection of system MCS are under preparation in IEC 61851-27.
Requirements for EVs mated to an EV supply equipment according to this document are specified in ISO 5474-3:2023, Annex B.
[1] Under preparation. Stage at the time of publication: ISO/DIS 15118-10:2024